Sunday, January 27, 2013

My weekend was not a waste

Ok so if I look around me right now it would appear my weekend was a waste.  Honestly it wasn't.  Sure I am still sitting in the same spot I have been in most of the weekend.


My blog is revamped.

I spent the last couple days trying to figure out what I am doing with this blog.  I know I am really the only one reading it but I hope to change that.  Instead of having multiple blogs I am going to try the "Pages" feature.  

So I spent a bunch of the weekend going around the web looking for what I wanted and found a great site Lee-Lou Blogs that has lots of Free Blog Headers, Backgrounds and templates especially for us scrappers.  They are great as you can see.

I also watched a whole season of Supernatural on Netflix so I am finally on Season 6!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

BECOME - My One Little Word


What does this word mean to me?  That is really the question. 

I have decided to give Ali Edwards One Little Word Class a whirl this year.  I haven't actually "Made" any pages or designs yet towards this program.  I am still struggling with the "Intentions".  

I have :
1. Organized I intend to organize my house, my life, my job, my everything I guess.
2. Better Become a better friend, person, neighbor.  You get the point
3.Balanced Making my life between work and play a little more even.  
4.Cultured Read, checking out museums, art galleries, ballet
5.Mindful remembering that there are other people in my world other than me. 
6.Independent  I do NOT go alone anywhere. That has to change.  Big girl panties will be worn this year.
7.More  I don't want to be just a mother, friend, daughter.  I want to be someone who is noticed.
8.Passionate I want to become passionate about life not just live it.   
9.Confident I admit I have no confidence.  I know I am awesome I just don't really cheer for myself.
10. A Finisher  No more starting 50 projects and never finishing.  I want to see results
11. A Maker Try to cook more elaborate, finish an album, make a quilt.
12. Decluttered I want to evolve into someone without the baggage (mentally and physically)

Hey - I have all I need to start my pages.  Tomorrow - I gotta get to bed.